Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Pain in the Ass

That's what I have.

Somewhere around my left outer hip, I have this thing that is constantly opening and contracting, which I've been struggling with for nearly a month now. For a week or so, it was super painful just sitting because my Sitz bone would stab into it. I know it's the Kurmasana/Supta Kurmasana adventure that started it all, and I'm trying to be at peace with that pose. But I can't help it: I hate Kurmasana.

It freaks me out a little. And that stiffens me up and that makes it harder to do and that freaks me out more... I'm stuck in an endless loop of, "Why am I doing this?"

The thing is, I know that this will pass. As I come to relax in the posture, as I open up, my fear of the posture (and the pain in my ass) will go away. I mean, I do Mari D everyday now, and my feelings toward that pose have gone from amazed to hateful to frustrated to excited to ecstatic to... well, now I don't think about it as all that positive or negative at all.

Which is where this is going isn't it? To that place where you experience your emotions (and body and everything else) but you don't attach to them.

Still, right now it's hard to believe that Kurmasana will ever be that to me.

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